Monday, April 12, 2010 ur family,frenz or couple

Love takes time. it need a history of giving ,and receiving laughing n crying .Love never promise instant gratication onlyultimate fullfilment.Loves means believing someone in something ,it suppose a willingness to struggle to workto suffer n the rejoice.satisfaction n ultimate fulfillment are by-product of dedicated love . they belong onlyto those who can reach beyond themselves to.whom giving is more important than receiving ,love involves much careful n active listening .it is doing whatever will promote to other'shappiness , security n well being . sometimes love is on a constant journey to what other must be attentive , caring n open both what other say ,n what other cannot say no with empathy n great is firm but when needed it must be fender.when other have tired n failed love is the hand in yours moment of,dicouragement n is is a choice n commitment to other's true n lasting happiness .it is dedicated to growth n is not sometime falls for lact of widom or abundance of weakness but if forgive knowing.The intention are does not condition...genuine love is always a free realice n accept that there will bedisagreement n disturbing emotion ..there may be time when rules lie between ..but love is a commitment . it blieve n endures all encourage freedom of share positive n negative reation to warm n cold feelinglove intimate love , will never reject other is the forst to encourage n the last condemn is wommitment to growth, hapibess n fulfillment of one another.

by Barb Cepham

from Eric's blog^^

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